Garofalo project

The goal of this project was to create an in-depth series of assignments to accompany a selected piece of wind literature. You would also create an overarching set of learning goals that the assignments would support. This was meant to help us practice teaching overarching concepts through one piece of music from a concert cycle.

Lesson planning

This attached lesson plan is from an assignment in my Woodwind Methods class where we had to do a teaching lab with the whole class on a selected piece of music. We start by making predictions based on the music both instrument specific and broad and then creating solutions to any problems that could arise. Then you create a specific series of attainable goals and a sequence of steps to get you to each goal.


This project was meant to give us experience on the financial side of the job. We were to identify a problem within the music department and come up with a way to financially support or help. For my project I decided to help students with their personal costs in the marching band outside of traditional band fees like paying for parts of the uniform. This graphic is meant to be shared with parents and the community giving a breakdown of costs and why its important to help out the band.