
Wind Ensemble

Emma was a member of the Miami University Wind Ensemble for five semesters studying under both Mr. Gary Speck and Dr. Daniel Farr. The Wind Ensemble premiered two pieces during Emmas time in the ensemble, including This is Water by Dr. Aaron Perrine. Emma contributed to the ensemble on the Bb clarinet, the bass clarinet, and the Bb contrabass clarinet.

Marching Band

Emma was a performing member of the Miami University Marching Band for two years and a member of Student Staff for two years. During her time the ensemble went to two MAC Championships, the Cure Bowl, and the Arizona Bowl.

Clarinet Ensemble

Emma was a founding member of the Miami University Clarinet ensemble starting in the Fall of 2023 and continuing for three semesters total. During her time, the ensemble travelled to Dublin, Ireland to perform at the International Clarinet Association Convention during the summer of 2024.